Как создать документ со Footnotes и Endnotes, используя C# и .NET

  1. Добавьте SautinSoft.Document из Nuget.
  2. Создайте новый документ.
  3. Добавьте немного текстового содержимого.
  4. Добавьте концевые и подстрочные примечания.

Полный код

using System;
using SautinSoft.Document;
using SautinSoft.Document.Tables;

namespace Example
    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            // Get your free trial key here:   
            // https://sautinsoft.com/start-for-free/

        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a document with a footnote and endnote.
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>
        /// Details: https://sautinsoft.com/products/document/help/net/developer-guide/text-footnotes.php
        /// </remarks>
        static void CreateFootnoteAndEndnote()
            string filePath = @"FootnoteAndEndnote.docx";

            DocumentCore dc = new DocumentCore();

            Paragraph p1 = new Paragraph(dc, new Run(dc, "Every evening the young Fisherman went out upon the sea, and " +
                "threw his nets into the water.")
                CharacterFormat = new CharacterFormat()
                    Size = 24,

            Paragraph p2 = new Paragraph(dc,
                           new Run(dc, "When the wind blew from the land he caught nothing, or but little at best," +
                           " for it was a bitter and black-winged wind, and rough waves rose up to meet it")
                               CharacterFormat = new CharacterFormat()
                                   Size = 24,
                           new Note(dc, NoteType.Endnote, "This is the endnote.")
                               CharacterFormat = new CharacterFormat()
                                   Size = 36,
                                   Superscript = true
                           new Run(dc, " . But when the wind blew to the shore, the " +
                           "fish came in from the deep, and swam into the meshes of his nets, " +
                            "and he took them to the market-place and sold them.")
                               CharacterFormat = new CharacterFormat()
                                   Size = 24
                           new Note(dc, NoteType.Endnote, "This is the endnote.")
                               CharacterFormat = new CharacterFormat()
                                   Size = 36,
                                   Superscript = true

            Paragraph p3 = new Paragraph(dc,
                new Run(dc, "Every evening he went out upon the sea, and one evening the net " +
                " was so heavy that hardly could he draw it into the boat")
                    CharacterFormat = new CharacterFormat()
                        Size = 24,
                new Note(dc, NoteType.Footnote, "This is the footnote.")
                    CharacterFormat = new CharacterFormat()
                        Size = 36,
                        Superscript = true
                new Run(dc, ". And he laughed, and said to himself, Surely I  " +
                "have caught all the fish that swim, or snared some dull monster that will be a marvel to men, or some thing  " +
                "of horror that the great Queen will desire, and putting forth all his strength, he tugged at the coarse ropes  " +
                "till, like lines of blue enamel round a vase of bronze, the long veins rose up on his arms.")
                    CharacterFormat = new CharacterFormat()
                        Size = 24,
                new Note(dc, NoteType.Endnote, "This is the endnote.")
                    CharacterFormat = new CharacterFormat()
                        Size = 36,
                        Superscript = true
                new Run(dc, "He tugged at the  " +
                "thin ropes, and nearer and nearer came the circle of flat corks, and the net rose at last to the top of the water.")
                    CharacterFormat = new CharacterFormat()
                        Size = 24,

            Note footnote = new Note(dc, NoteType.Footnote, "This is the footnote.");
            footnote.CharacterFormat.Superscript = true;
            footnote.CharacterFormat.Size = 36;



            // Show the result.
            System.Diagnostics.Process.Start(new System.Diagnostics.ProcessStartInfo(filePath) { UseShellExecute = true });


Imports System
Imports SautinSoft.Document
Imports SautinSoft.Document.Tables

Namespace Example
	Friend Class Program
		Shared Sub Main(ByVal args() As String)
		End Sub
                ''' Get your free trial key here:   
                ''' https://sautinsoft.com/start-for-free/
		''' <summary>
		''' Creates a document with a footnote and endnote.
		''' </summary>
		''' <remarks>
		''' Details: https://sautinsoft.com/products/document/help/net/developer-guide/text-footnotes.php
		''' </remarks>
		Private Shared Sub CreateFootnoteAndEndnote()
			Dim filePath As String = "FootnoteAndEndnote.docx"

			Dim dc As New DocumentCore()

			Dim p1 As Paragraph = New Paragraph(dc, New Run(dc, "Every evening the young Fisherman went out upon the sea, and " & "threw his nets into the water.") With {
				.CharacterFormat = New CharacterFormat() With {.Size = 24}

			Dim p2 As Paragraph = New Paragraph(dc, New Run(dc, "When the wind blew from the land he caught nothing, or but little at best," & " for it was a bitter and black-winged wind, and rough waves rose up to meet it") With {
				.CharacterFormat = New CharacterFormat() With {.Size = 24}
			New Note(dc, NoteType.Endnote, "This is the endnote.") With {
				.CharacterFormat = New CharacterFormat() With {
					.Size = 36,
					.Superscript = True
			New Run(dc, " . But when the wind blew to the shore, the " & "fish came in from the deep, and swam into the meshes of his nets, " & "and he took them to the market-place and sold them.") With {
				.CharacterFormat = New CharacterFormat() With {.Size = 24}
			New Note(dc, NoteType.Endnote, "This is the endnote.") With {
				.CharacterFormat = New CharacterFormat() With {
					.Size = 36,
					.Superscript = True

			Dim p3 As Paragraph = New Paragraph(dc, New Run(dc, "Every evening he went out upon the sea, and one evening the net " & " was so heavy that hardly could he draw it into the boat") With {
				.CharacterFormat = New CharacterFormat() With {.Size = 24}
			New Note(dc, NoteType.Footnote, "This is the footnote.") With {
				.CharacterFormat = New CharacterFormat() With {
					.Size = 36,
					.Superscript = True
			New Run(dc, ". And he laughed, and said to himself, ‘Surely I  " & "have caught all the fish that swim, or snared some dull monster that will be a marvel to men, or some thing  " & "of horror that the great Queen will desire,’ and putting forth all his strength, he tugged at the coarse ropes  " & "till, like lines of blue enamel round a vase of bronze, the long veins rose up on his arms.") With {
				.CharacterFormat = New CharacterFormat() With {.Size = 24}
			New Note(dc, NoteType.Endnote, "This is the endnote.") With {
				.CharacterFormat = New CharacterFormat() With {
					.Size = 36,
					.Superscript = True
			New Run(dc, "He tugged at the  " & "thin ropes, and nearer and nearer came the circle of flat corks, and the net rose at last to the top of the water.") With {
				.CharacterFormat = New CharacterFormat() With {.Size = 24}

			Dim footnote As New Note(dc, NoteType.Footnote, "This is the footnote.")
			footnote.CharacterFormat.Superscript = True
			footnote.CharacterFormat.Size = 36



			' Show the result.
			System.Diagnostics.Process.Start(New System.Diagnostics.ProcessStartInfo(filePath) With {.UseShellExecute = True})
		End Sub
	End Class
End Namespace


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