Использование DocumentBuilder для вставки Оглавления на C# и .NET

  1. Добавьте SautinSoft.Document из Nuget.
  2. Создайте новый документ.
  3. Создайте Builder на основе документа.
  4. Используйте метод InsertTableOfContents.

   Поле TOC (содержание) создает оглавление. Поле TOC собирает записи для оглавления, используя стили заголовков, другие заданные стили, уровни структуры, заголовки или записи, указанные в полях TC (запись оглавления). Используйте метод DocumentBuilderInsertTableOfContents, чтобы вставить поле TOC в документ в текущей позиции.
Чтобы создать оглавление и отобразить его в соответствии с номерами страниц, вызовите метод TableOfEntriesUpdate.

Полный код

using System;
using SautinSoft.Document;
using System.Text;

namespace Example
    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            // Get your free trial key here:   
            // https://sautinsoft.com/start-for-free/
        /// <summary>
        /// Insert a TOC (Table of Contents) field into the document using DocumentBuilder.
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>
        /// Details: https://www.sautinsoft.com/products/document/help/net/developer-guide/documentbuilder-inserting-toc.php
        /// </remarks>

        static void InsertingToc()
            DocumentCore dc = new DocumentCore();
            DocumentBuilder db = new DocumentBuilder(dc);

            // Insert the formatted text into the document using DocumentBuilder.
            db.CharacterFormat.FontName = "Verdana";
            db.CharacterFormat.Size = 16;
            db.Writeln("Table of Contents.");

            // Insert Table of Contents field into the document at the current position.
            TableOfEntries toe = db.InsertTableOfContents("\\o \"1-3\" \\h");
            // For information about switches, see the description on the page above.

            // Add the text and divide it into headings.
            ParagraphStyle Heading1Style = (ParagraphStyle)Style.CreateStyle(StyleTemplateType.Heading1, dc);
            db.ParagraphFormat.Style = Heading1Style;
            db.Writeln("Heading 1");
            db.Writeln("Some text Heading 1 Some text Heading 1 Some text Heading 1 Some text Heading 1 Some text Heading 1 Some text Heading 1" +
                "Some text Heading 1 Some text Heading 1 Some text Heading 1 Some text Heading 1 Some text Heading 1 Some text Heading 1 ");

            ParagraphStyle Heading2Style = (ParagraphStyle)Style.CreateStyle(StyleTemplateType.Heading2, dc);
            db.ParagraphFormat.Style = Heading2Style;
            db.Writeln("Heading 1.1");
            db.Writeln("Some text Heading 1.1 Some text Heading 1.1 Some text Heading 1.1 Some text Heading 1.1 Some text Heading 1.1" +
                " Some text Heading 1.1 Some text Heading 1.1 Some text Heading 1.1 Some text Heading 1.1");
            db.ParagraphFormat.Style = Heading2Style;
            db.Writeln("Heading 1.2");
            db.Writeln("Some text Heading 1.2 Some text Heading 1.2 Some text Heading 1.2 Some text Heading 1.2 Some text Heading 1.2" +
                " Some text Heading 1.2 Some text Heading 1.2 Some text Heading 1.2 ");

            ParagraphStyle Heading3Style = (ParagraphStyle)Style.CreateStyle(StyleTemplateType.Heading3, dc);
            db.ParagraphFormat.Style = Heading3Style;
            db.Writeln("Heading 1.1.1");
            db.Writeln("Some text Heading 1.1.1 Some text Heading 1.1.1 Some text Heading 1.1.1 Some text Heading 1.1.1 " +
                " Some text Heading 1.1.1 Some text Heading 1.1.1 Some text Heading 1.1.1 ");
            db.ParagraphFormat.Style = Heading3Style;
            db.Writeln("Heading 1.1.2");
            db.Writeln("Some text 1.1.2 Some text 1.1.2 Some text 1.1.2 Some text 1.1.2");

            db.ParagraphFormat.Style = Heading1Style;
            db.Writeln("Heading 2");
            db.Writeln("Some text Heading 2 Some text Heading 2.");

            db.ParagraphFormat.Style = Heading1Style;
            db.Writeln("Heading 3");
            db.Writeln("Some text Heading 3 Some text Heading 3 Some text Heading 3 Some text Heading 3 Some text Heading 3" +
                 "Some text Heading 3Some text Heading 3Some text Heading 3Some text Heading 3Some text Heading 3");

            db.ParagraphFormat.Style = Heading2Style;
            db.Writeln("Heading 3.1");
            db.Writeln("Some text Heading 3.1 Some text Heading 3.1 Some text Heading 3.1 Some text Heading 3.1 Some text Heading 3.1" +
               "Some text Heading 3.1 Some text Heading 3.1 Some text Heading 3.1");
            db.ParagraphFormat.Style = Heading2Style;
            db.Writeln("Heading 3.2");
            db.Writeln("Some text Heading 3.2 Some text Heading 3.2 Some text Heading 3.2 Some text Heading 3.2 Some text Heading 3.2");

            // Update the TOC field (table of contents).

            // Save our document into DOCX format.
            string resultPath = @"Result.docx";
            dc.Save(resultPath, new DocxSaveOptions());
			// Important for Linux: Install MS Fonts
			// sudo apt install ttf-mscorefonts-installer -y

            // Open the result for demonstration purposes.
            System.Diagnostics.Process.Start(new System.Diagnostics.ProcessStartInfo(resultPath) { UseShellExecute = true });


Imports System
Imports SautinSoft.Document
Imports System.Text

Namespace Example
	Friend Class Program
		Shared Sub Main(ByVal args() As String)
		End Sub
                ''' Get your free trial key here:   
                ''' https://sautinsoft.com/start-for-free/
		''' <summary>
		''' Insert a TOC (Table of Contents) field into the document using DocumentBuilder.
		''' </summary>
		''' <remarks>
		''' Details: https://www.sautinsoft.com/products/document/help/net/developer-guide/documentbuilder-inserting-toc.php
		''' </remarks>

		Private Shared Sub InsertingToc()
			Dim dc As New DocumentCore()
			Dim db As New DocumentBuilder(dc)

			' Insert the formatted text into the document using DocumentBuilder.
			db.CharacterFormat.FontName = "Verdana"
			db.CharacterFormat.Size = 16
			db.Writeln("Table of Contents.")

			' Insert Table of Contents field into the document at the current position.
			Dim toe As TableOfEntries = db.InsertTableOfContents("\o ""1-3"" \h")
			' For information about switches, see the description on the page above.

			' Add the text and divide it into headings.
			Dim Heading1Style As ParagraphStyle = CType(Style.CreateStyle(StyleTemplateType.Heading1, dc), ParagraphStyle)
			db.ParagraphFormat.Style = Heading1Style
			db.Writeln("Heading 1")
			db.Writeln("Some text Heading 1 Some text Heading 1 Some text Heading 1 Some text Heading 1 Some text Heading 1 Some text Heading 1" & "Some text Heading 1 Some text Heading 1 Some text Heading 1 Some text Heading 1 Some text Heading 1 Some text Heading 1 ")

			Dim Heading2Style As ParagraphStyle = CType(Style.CreateStyle(StyleTemplateType.Heading2, dc), ParagraphStyle)
			db.ParagraphFormat.Style = Heading2Style
			db.Writeln("Heading 1.1")
			db.Writeln("Some text Heading 1.1 Some text Heading 1.1 Some text Heading 1.1 Some text Heading 1.1 Some text Heading 1.1" & " Some text Heading 1.1 Some text Heading 1.1 Some text Heading 1.1 Some text Heading 1.1")
			db.ParagraphFormat.Style = Heading2Style
			db.Writeln("Heading 1.2")
			db.Writeln("Some text Heading 1.2 Some text Heading 1.2 Some text Heading 1.2 Some text Heading 1.2 Some text Heading 1.2" & " Some text Heading 1.2 Some text Heading 1.2 Some text Heading 1.2 ")

			Dim Heading3Style As ParagraphStyle = CType(Style.CreateStyle(StyleTemplateType.Heading3, dc), ParagraphStyle)
			db.ParagraphFormat.Style = Heading3Style
			db.Writeln("Heading 1.1.1")
			db.Writeln("Some text Heading 1.1.1 Some text Heading 1.1.1 Some text Heading 1.1.1 Some text Heading 1.1.1 " & " Some text Heading 1.1.1 Some text Heading 1.1.1 Some text Heading 1.1.1 ")
			db.ParagraphFormat.Style = Heading3Style
			db.Writeln("Heading 1.1.2")
			db.Writeln("Some text 1.1.2 Some text 1.1.2 Some text 1.1.2 Some text 1.1.2")

			db.ParagraphFormat.Style = Heading1Style
			db.Writeln("Heading 2")
			db.Writeln("Some text Heading 2 Some text Heading 2.")

			db.ParagraphFormat.Style = Heading1Style
			db.Writeln("Heading 3")
			db.Writeln("Some text Heading 3 Some text Heading 3 Some text Heading 3 Some text Heading 3 Some text Heading 3" & "Some text Heading 3Some text Heading 3Some text Heading 3Some text Heading 3Some text Heading 3")

			db.ParagraphFormat.Style = Heading2Style
			db.Writeln("Heading 3.1")
			db.Writeln("Some text Heading 3.1 Some text Heading 3.1 Some text Heading 3.1 Some text Heading 3.1 Some text Heading 3.1" & "Some text Heading 3.1 Some text Heading 3.1 Some text Heading 3.1")

			db.ParagraphFormat.Style = Heading2Style
			db.Writeln("Heading 3.2")
			db.Writeln("Some text Heading 3.2 Some text Heading 3.2 Some text Heading 3.2 Some text Heading 3.2 Some text Heading 3.2")

			' Update the TOC field (table of contents).

			' Save our document into DOCX format.
			Dim resultPath As String = "result.docx"
			dc.Save(resultPath, New DocxSaveOptions())

			' Open the result for demonstration purposes.
			System.Diagnostics.Process.Start(New System.Diagnostics.ProcessStartInfo(resultPath) With {.UseShellExecute = True})
		End Sub
	End Class
End Namespace


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Мы разрабатываем компоненты .Net с 2002 года. Мы знаем форматы PDF, DOCX, RTF, HTML, XLSX и Images. Если вам нужна помощь в создании, изменении или преобразовании документов в различных форматах, мы можем вам помочь. Мы напишем для вас любой пример кода абсолютно бесплатно.