Растрирование - это процесс преобразования страниц документа в растровые изображения.
В этом примере мы покажем, как растеризировать / сохранить страницу документа в формате PNG.
Полный код
using System;
using System.IO;
using SautinSoft.Document;
using SkiaSharp;
namespace Example
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
// Get your free trial key here:
// https://sautinsoft.com/start-for-free/
/// <summary>
/// How to rasterize a document - save the document pages as images.
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>
/// Details: https://www.sautinsoft.com/products/document/help/net/developer-guide/rasterize-save-document-pages-as-picture-net-csharp-vb.php
/// </remarks>
static void RasterizeDocument()
// Rasterizing - it's process of converting the document pages into raster images.
// In this example we'll show how to rasterize/save a document page into PNG picture.
string pngFile = @"Result.png";
// Let's create a simple PDF document.
DocumentCore dc = new DocumentCore();
// Add new section.
Section section = new Section(dc);
// Let's set page size A4.
section.PageSetup.PaperType = PaperType.A4;
section.PageSetup.PageMargins.Left = LengthUnitConverter.Convert(10, LengthUnit.Millimeter, LengthUnit.Point);
section.PageSetup.PageMargins.Right = LengthUnitConverter.Convert(10, LengthUnit.Millimeter, LengthUnit.Point);
// Add any text on 1st page.
Paragraph par1 = new Paragraph(dc);
par1.ParagraphFormat.Alignment = HorizontalAlignment.Center;
// Let's create a characterformat for text in the 1st paragraph.
CharacterFormat cf = new CharacterFormat() { FontName = "Verdana", Size = 86, FontColor = new SautinSoft.Document.Color(255, 255, 0) };
Run text1 = new Run(dc, "You are welcome!");
text1.CharacterFormat = cf;
// Create the document paginator to get separate document pages.
DocumentPaginator documentPaginator = dc.GetPaginator(new PaginatorOptions() { UpdateFields = true });
// To get high-quality image, lets set 300 dpi.
var DPI = new ImageSaveOptions();
DPI.DpiX = 300;
DPI.DpiY = 300;
// Get the 1st page.
DocumentPage page = documentPaginator.Pages[0];
// Rasterize/convert the page into PNG image.
page.Save(pngFile, DPI);
// Open the result for demonstration purposes.
System.Diagnostics.Process.Start(new System.Diagnostics.ProcessStartInfo(pngFile) { UseShellExecute = true });
Imports System
Imports System.IO
Imports SautinSoft.Document
Imports SkiaSharp
Namespace Example
Friend Class Program
Shared Sub Main(ByVal args() As String)
End Sub
''' Get your free trial key here:
''' https://sautinsoft.com/start-for-free/
''' <summary>
''' How to rasterize a document - save the document pages as images.
''' </summary>
''' <remarks>
''' Details: https://www.sautinsoft.com/products/document/help/net/developer-guide/rasterize-save-document-pages-as-picture-net-csharp-vb.php
''' </remarks>
Private Shared Sub RasterizeDocument()
' Rasterizing - it's process of converting the document pages into raster images.
' In this example we'll show how to rasterize/save a document page into PNG picture.
Dim pngFile As String = "Result.png"
' Let's create a simple PDF document.
Dim dc As New DocumentCore()
' Add new section.
Dim section As New Section(dc)
' Let's set page size A4.
section.PageSetup.PaperType = PaperType.A4
section.PageSetup.PageMargins.Left = LengthUnitConverter.Convert(10, LengthUnit.Millimeter, LengthUnit.Point)
section.PageSetup.PageMargins.Right = LengthUnitConverter.Convert(10, LengthUnit.Millimeter, LengthUnit.Point)
' Add any text on 1st page.
Dim par1 As New Paragraph(dc)
par1.ParagraphFormat.Alignment = HorizontalAlignment.Center
' Let's create a characterformat for text in the 1st paragraph.
Dim cf As New CharacterFormat() With {
.FontName = "Verdana",
.Size = 86,
.FontColor = SautinSoft.Document.Color.Yellow
Dim text1 As New Run(dc, "You are welcome!")
text1.CharacterFormat = cf
' Create the document paginator to get separate document pages.
Dim documentPaginator As DocumentPaginator = dc.GetPaginator(New PaginatorOptions() With {.UpdateFields = True})
' To get high-quality image, lets set 300 dpi.
Dim dpi As ImageSaveOptions = New ImageSaveOptions()
dpi.DpiX = 300
dpi.DpiY = 300
' Get the 1st page.
Dim page As DocumentPage = documentPaginator.Pages(0)
' Rasterize/convert the page into PNG image.
page.Save(pngFile, dpi)
' Open the result for demonstration purposes.
System.Diagnostics.Process.Start(New System.Diagnostics.ProcessStartInfo(pngFile) With {.UseShellExecute = True})
End Sub
End Class
End Namespace
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