Как работать с фигурами с помощью C# и .NET

  1. Добавьте SautinSoft.Document из Nuget.
  2. Создайте новый документ.
  3. Создайте две фигуры.
  4. Укажите контур и заливку.

Полный код

using SautinSoft.Document;
using SautinSoft.Document.Drawing;

namespace Sample
    class Sample
        static void Main(string[] args)
            // Get your free trial key here:   
            // https://sautinsoft.com/start-for-free/

		/// <summary>
        /// This sample shows how to work with shapes. 
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>
        /// Details: https://sautinsoft.com/products/document/help/net/developer-guide/shapes.php
        /// </remarks>
        public static void Shapes()
            string documentPath = @"Shapes.docx";

            // Let's create a new document.
            DocumentCore dc = new DocumentCore();

            // Create shape 1 with fill and outline.
            Shape shp1 = new Shape(dc, Layout.Floating(
                new HorizontalPosition(25f, LengthUnit.Millimeter, HorizontalPositionAnchor.LeftMargin),
                new VerticalPosition(20f, LengthUnit.Millimeter, VerticalPositionAnchor.TopMargin),
                new Size(200, 100)

            // Specify outline and fill using a picture.
            shp1.Outline.Width = 2;

            // Set fill for this shape.

            // Create shape 2 with some text inside, 100mm*20mm.
            Shape shp2 = new Shape(dc, Layout.Floating(
                new HorizontalPosition(100f, LengthUnit.Millimeter, HorizontalPositionAnchor.LeftMargin),
                new VerticalPosition(20f, LengthUnit.Millimeter, VerticalPositionAnchor.TopMargin),
                new Size(LengthUnitConverter.Convert(100f, LengthUnit.Millimeter, LengthUnit.Point),
                        LengthUnitConverter.Convert(20f, LengthUnit.Millimeter, LengthUnit.Point))

            // Specify outline and fill using a picture.
            shp2.Outline.Width = 0.5;

            // Create a new paragraph with a formatted text.
            Paragraph p = new Paragraph(dc);
            Run run1 = new Run(dc, "Welcome to International Software Developer conference!");
            run1.CharacterFormat.FontName = "Helvetica";
            run1.CharacterFormat.Size = 14f;
            run1.CharacterFormat.Italic = true;

            // Add the paragraph into the shp2.Text property.

            // Add our shapes into the document.

            // Save the document to DOCX format.

            // Open the result for demonstration purposes.
            System.Diagnostics.Process.Start(new System.Diagnostics.ProcessStartInfo(documentPath) { UseShellExecute = true });


Imports System
Imports System.IO
Imports SautinSoft.Document
Imports SautinSoft.Document.Drawing

Module Sample
    Sub Main()
    End Sub
    ''' Get your free trial key here:   
    ''' https://sautinsoft.com/start-for-free/
    ''' <summary>
    ''' This sample shows how to work with shapes. 
    ''' </summary>
    ''' <remarks>
    ''' Details: https://sautinsoft.com/products/document/help/net/developer-guide/shapes.php
    ''' </remarks>
    Sub Shapes()
        Dim documentPath As String = "Shapes.docx"

        ' Let's create a new document.
        Dim dc As New DocumentCore()

        ' Create shape 1 with fill and outline.
        Dim shp1 As New Shape(dc, Layout.Floating(New HorizontalPosition(25.0F, LengthUnit.Millimeter, HorizontalPositionAnchor.LeftMargin), New VerticalPosition(20.0F, LengthUnit.Millimeter, VerticalPositionAnchor.TopMargin), New Size(200, 100)))

        ' Specify outline and fill using a picture.
        shp1.Outline.Width = 2

        ' Set fill for this shape.

        ' Create shape 2 with some text inside, 100mm*20mm.
        Dim shp2 As New Shape(dc, Layout.Floating(New HorizontalPosition(100.0F, LengthUnit.Millimeter, HorizontalPositionAnchor.LeftMargin), New VerticalPosition(20.0F, LengthUnit.Millimeter, VerticalPositionAnchor.TopMargin), New Size(LengthUnitConverter.Convert(100.0F, LengthUnit.Millimeter, LengthUnit.Point), LengthUnitConverter.Convert(20.0F, LengthUnit.Millimeter, LengthUnit.Point))))

        ' Specify outline and fill using a picture.
        shp2.Outline.Width = 0.5

        ' Create a new paragraph with a formatted text.
        Dim p As New Paragraph(dc)
        Dim run1 As New Run(dc, "Welcome to International Software Developer conference!")
        run1.CharacterFormat.FontName = "Helvetica"
        run1.CharacterFormat.Size = 14.0F
        run1.CharacterFormat.Italic = True

        ' Add the paragraph into the shp2.Text property.

        ' Add our shapes into the document.

        ' Save the document to DOCX format.

        ' Open the result for demonstration purposes.
        System.Diagnostics.Process.Start(New System.Diagnostics.ProcessStartInfo(documentPath) With {.UseShellExecute = True})
    End Sub
End Module


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Мы разрабатываем компоненты .Net с 2002 года. Мы знаем форматы PDF, DOCX, RTF, HTML, XLSX и Images. Если вам нужна помощь в создании, изменении или преобразовании документов в различных форматах, мы можем вам помочь. Мы напишем для вас любой пример кода абсолютно бесплатно.