Как преобразовать Word, Excel, PowerPoint файлы в PDF формат на C# и .NET

Полный код

using System;
using System.IO;
using System.Collections.Generic;

namespace Sample
    class Test

        static void Main(string[] args)
            // Convert Word Excel PowerPoint documents to PDF format.
            // If you need more information about SautinSoft.UseOffice email us at:
            // support@sautinsoft.com.

            SautinSoft.UseOffice u = new SautinSoft.UseOffice();

            // The directory which contains Word, Excel, PowerPoint files: *.doc, *.docx, *.rtf, *.txt, *.xls, *.xlsx, *.csv, *.ppt, *.pptx
            string directoryWithFiles = Path.GetFullPath(@"..\..\");

            // Prepare SautinSoft.UseOffice, loads MS Word, Excel, PowerPoint into memory
            int ret = u.InitOffice();

            // Return values:
            // 0 - Loading successfully
            // 1 - Can't load MS Excel (Word and PowePoint are loaded successfully)
            // 10 - Can't load MS Word (Excel and PowerPoint are loaded successfully)
            // 11 - Can't load MS Word and Excel (PowerPoint loaded successfully)
            // 100 - Can't load MS PowerPoint (Excel and Word are loaded successfully)
            // 101 - Can't load MS Excel and PowerPoint (Word loaded successfully)
            // 110 - Can't load PowerPoint and Word (Excel loaded successfully)
            // 111 - Can't load MS Office

            if (ret == 111)

            string[] filters = null;

            switch (ret)
                case 0: filters = new string[] { "*.doc", "*.docx", "*.rtf", "*.txt", "*.xls", "*.xlsx", "*.csv", "*.ppt", "*.pptx" }; break;
                case 1: filters = new string[] { "*.doc", "*.docx", "*.rtf", "*.txt", "*.ppt", "*.pptx" }; break;
                case 10: filters = new string[] { "*.xls", "*.xlsx", "*.csv", "*.ppt", "*.pptx" }; break;
                case 11: filters = new string[] { "*.ppt", "*.pptx" }; break;
                case 100: filters = new string[] { "*.doc", "*.docx", "*.rtf", "*.txt", "*.xls", "*.xlsx", "*.csv" }; break;
                case 101: filters = new string[] { "*.doc", "*.docx", "*.rtf", "*.txt" }; break;
                case 110: filters = new string[] { "*.xls", "*.xlsx", "*.csv" }; break;
                default: return;

            // Convert all documents (Word, Excel, PorwerPoint) to PDF.

            // 1. Get list of MS Office files from directory
            List<string> inpFiles = new List<string>();

            foreach (string filter in filters)
                inpFiles.AddRange(Directory.GetFiles(directoryWithFiles, filter));

            // 2. Convert all documents to PDF.
            string ext = "";
            string outFilePath = "";
            DirectoryInfo outDir = new DirectoryInfo(Directory.GetCurrentDirectory()).CreateSubdirectory("Results");

            for (int i = 0; i < inpFiles.Count; i++)
                SautinSoft.UseOffice.eDirection direction = SautinSoft.UseOffice.eDirection.DOC_to_PDF;
                ext = Path.GetExtension((string)inpFiles[i]).ToLower();

                // doc and docx
                if (ext.IndexOf("doc") > 0)
                    direction = SautinSoft.UseOffice.eDirection.DOC_to_PDF;
                else if (ext.IndexOf("rtf") > 0)
                    direction = SautinSoft.UseOffice.eDirection.RTF_to_PDF;
                else if (ext.IndexOf("txt") > 0)
                    direction = SautinSoft.UseOffice.eDirection.TEXT_to_PDF;

                // xls and xlsx
                else if (ext.IndexOf("xls") > 0)
                    direction = SautinSoft.UseOffice.eDirection.XLS_to_PDF;
                else if (ext.IndexOf("csv") > 0)
                    direction = SautinSoft.UseOffice.eDirection.XLS_to_PDF;

                // ppt and pptx
                else if (ext.IndexOf("ppt") > 0)
                    direction = SautinSoft.UseOffice.eDirection.PPT_to_PDF;

                // Save the result into the current directory
                string outFileName = (Path.GetExtension(inpFiles[i]) + "topdf.pdf").TrimStart('.');
                outFilePath = Path.Combine(outDir.FullName, outFileName);

                u.ConvertFile((string)inpFiles[i], outFilePath, direction);

                Console.WriteLine($"{i + 1} of {inpFiles.Count}...");


            // Open the folder (current directory) with the results.
            System.Diagnostics.Process.Start(new System.Diagnostics.ProcessStartInfo(outDir.FullName) { UseShellExecute = true });


Imports System
Imports System.IO
Imports System.Collections.Generic

Namespace Sample
    Friend Class Test

        Shared Sub Main(ByVal args() As String)
            ' Convert Word Excel PowerPoint documents to PDF format.
            ' If you need more information about SautinSoft.UseOffice email us at:
            ' support@sautinsoft.com.
            Dim u As New SautinSoft.UseOffice()

            ' The directory which contains Word, Excel, PowerPoint files: *.doc, *.docx, *.rtf, *.txt, *.xls, *.xlsx, *.csv, *.ppt, *.pptx
            Dim directoryWithFiles As String = Path.GetFullPath("..\")

            ' Prepare SautinSoft.UseOffice, loads MS Word, Excel, PowerPoint into memory
            Dim ret As Integer = u.InitOffice()

            ' Return values:
            ' 0 - Loading successfully
            ' 1 - Can't load MS Excel (Word and PowePoint are loaded successfully)
            ' 10 - Can't load MS Word (Excel and PowerPoint are loaded successfully)
            ' 11 - Can't load MS Word and Excel (PowerPoint loaded successfully)
            ' 100 - Can't load MS PowerPoint (Excel and Word are loaded successfully)
            ' 101 - Can't load MS Excel and PowerPoint (Word loaded successfully)
            ' 110 - Can't load PowerPoint and Word (Excel loaded successfully)
            ' 111 - Can't load MS Office

            If ret = 111 Then
            End If

            Dim filters() As String = Nothing

            Select Case ret
                Case 0
                    filters = New String() {"*.doc", "*.docx", "*.rtf", "*.txt", "*.xls", "*.xlsx", "*.csv", "*.ppt", "*.pptx"}
                Case 1
                    filters = New String() {"*.doc", "*.docx", "*.rtf", "*.txt", "*.ppt", "*.pptx"}
                Case 10
                    filters = New String() {"*.xls", "*.xlsx", "*.csv", "*.ppt", "*.pptx"}
                Case 11
                    filters = New String() {"*.ppt", "*.pptx"}
                Case 100
                    filters = New String() {"*.doc", "*.docx", "*.rtf", "*.txt", "*.xls", "*.xlsx", "*.csv"}
                Case 101
                    filters = New String() {"*.doc", "*.docx", "*.rtf", "*.txt"}
                Case 110
                    filters = New String() {"*.xls", "*.xlsx", "*.csv"}
                Case Else
            End Select

            ' Convert all documents (Word, Excel, PorwerPoint) to PDF.

            ' 1. Get list of MS Office files from directory
            Dim inpFiles As New List(Of String)()

            For Each filter As String In filters
                inpFiles.AddRange(Directory.GetFiles(directoryWithFiles, filter))
            Next filter

            ' 2. Convert all documents to PDF.
            Dim ext As String = ""
            Dim outFilePath As String = ""
            Dim outDir As DirectoryInfo = (New DirectoryInfo(Directory.GetCurrentDirectory())).CreateSubdirectory("Results")

            For i As Integer = 0 To inpFiles.Count - 1
                Dim direction As SautinSoft.UseOffice.eDirection = SautinSoft.UseOffice.eDirection.DOC_to_PDF
                ext = Path.GetExtension(CStr(inpFiles(i))).ToLower()

                ' doc and docx
                If ext.IndexOf("doc") > 0 Then
                    direction = SautinSoft.UseOffice.eDirection.DOC_to_PDF
                ElseIf ext.IndexOf("rtf") > 0 Then
                    direction = SautinSoft.UseOffice.eDirection.RTF_to_PDF
                ElseIf ext.IndexOf("txt") > 0 Then
                    direction = SautinSoft.UseOffice.eDirection.TEXT_to_PDF

                    ' xls and xlsx
                ElseIf ext.IndexOf("xls") > 0 Then
                    direction = SautinSoft.UseOffice.eDirection.XLS_to_PDF
                ElseIf ext.IndexOf("csv") > 0 Then
                    direction = SautinSoft.UseOffice.eDirection.XLS_to_PDF

                    ' ppt and pptx
                ElseIf ext.IndexOf("ppt") > 0 Then
                    direction = SautinSoft.UseOffice.eDirection.PPT_to_PDF
                End If

                ' Save the result into the current directory
                Dim outFileName As String = (Path.GetExtension(inpFiles(i)) & "topdf.pdf").TrimStart("."c)
                outFilePath = Path.Combine(outDir.FullName, outFileName)

                u.ConvertFile(CStr(inpFiles(i)), outFilePath, direction)

                Console.WriteLine($"{i + 1} of {inpFiles.Count}...")
            Next i


            ' Open the folder (current directory) with the results.
            System.Diagnostics.Process.Start(New System.Diagnostics.ProcessStartInfo(outDir.FullName) With {.UseShellExecute = True})
        End Sub
    End Class
End Namespace


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Мы разрабатываем компоненты .Net с 2002 года. Мы знаем форматы PDF, DOCX, RTF, HTML, XLSX и Images. Если вам нужна помощь в создании, изменении или преобразовании документов в различных форматах, мы можем вам помочь. Мы напишем для вас любой пример кода абсолютно бесплатно.