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LengthUnit Enumeration

Represents the measurement unit for measuring length or distance.

Namespace: SautinSoft.Document
Assembly: SautinSoft.Document (in SautinSoft.Document.dll) Version: 2025.2.13
public enum LengthUnit
Member nameValueDescription
Point0 Point (1 inch is equal as 72 points).
Pixel1 Pixel (1 inch is equal as 96 pixels).
Inch2 Inch (1 inch is equal as 72 points).
Millimeter3 Millimeter (10 millimeters are equal as 1¸centimeter).
Centimeter4 Centimeter (1 inch is around 2.54 centimeters).
Pica5 Pica (1 pica is equal as 12 points).
Twip6 Twip (twentieth of a point, 1 point is equal as 20 twips).
Emu7 English Metric Unit (1 point is equal as 12,700 EMUs).

See Developer Guide: How to adjust a document page properties

How to adjust a document page properties using C#
using SautinSoft.Document;

namespace Sample
    class Sample
        static void Main(string[] args)
            // Get your free trial key here:   


        /// <summary>
        /// How to adjust a document page properties. 
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>
        /// Details:
        /// </remarks>
        public static void PageProperties()
            string documentPath = @"PageProperties.docx";

            // Let's create a simple document.
            DocumentCore dc = new DocumentCore();

            // Add new section, B5 Landscape, and custom page margins.
            Section section1 = new Section(dc);
            section1.PageSetup.PaperType = PaperType.B5;
            section1.PageSetup.Orientation = Orientation.Landscape;
            section1.PageSetup.PageMargins = new PageMargins()
                Top = LengthUnitConverter.Convert(50, LengthUnit.Millimeter, LengthUnit.Point),
                Right = LengthUnitConverter.Convert(1, LengthUnit.Inch, LengthUnit.Point),
                Bottom = LengthUnitConverter.Convert(10, LengthUnit.Millimeter, LengthUnit.Point),
                Left = LengthUnitConverter.Convert(2, LengthUnit.Centimeter, LengthUnit.Point)


            // Add some text to section1.
            section1.Content.Start.Insert("Shrek, a green ogre who loves the solitude in his swamp, " +
                            "finds his life interrupted when many fairytale characters are " +
                            "exiled there by order of the fairytale-hating Lord Farquaad.", new CharacterFormat() { FontName = "Times New Roman", Size = 14.0 });

            // Add page break.
            section1.Content.End.Insert(new SpecialCharacter(dc, SpecialCharacterType.PageBreak).Content);

            // Add another section, A4 Portrait, and custom page margins.
            Section section2 = new Section(dc);
            section2.PageSetup.PaperType = PaperType.A4;
            section2.PageSetup.Orientation = Orientation.Portrait;
            section2.PageSetup.PageMargins = new PageMargins()
                Top = LengthUnitConverter.Convert(5, LengthUnit.Millimeter, LengthUnit.Point),
                Right = LengthUnitConverter.Convert(5, LengthUnit.Millimeter, LengthUnit.Point),
                Bottom = LengthUnitConverter.Convert(5, LengthUnit.Millimeter, LengthUnit.Point),
                Left = LengthUnitConverter.Convert(5, LengthUnit.Millimeter, LengthUnit.Point)


            // Add some text into section2.
            Paragraph p = new Paragraph(dc);
            p.Content.Start.Insert("Shrek tells them that he will go ask Farquaad to send them back. " +
                                    "He brings along a talking Donkey who is the only fairytale creature who knows the way to Duloc.",
                                    new CharacterFormat() { FontName = "Times New Roman", Size = 14.0 });
            p.ParagraphFormat.Alignment = HorizontalAlignment.Justify;

            // Save our document into DOCX format.

            // Open the result for demonstration purposes.
            System.Diagnostics.Process.Start(new System.Diagnostics.ProcessStartInfo(documentPath) { UseShellExecute = true });
How to adjust a document page properties using VB.Net
Imports System
Imports System.IO
Imports SautinSoft.Document

Module Sample
    Sub Main()
    End Sub
    ''' Get your free trial key here:   
    ''' <summary>
    ''' How to adjust a document page properties. 
    ''' </summary>
    ''' <remarks>
    ''' Details:
    ''' </remarks>
    Sub PageProperties()
        Dim documentPath As String = "PageProperties.docx"

        ' Let's create a simple document.
        Dim dc As New DocumentCore()

        ' Add new section, B5 Landscape, and custom page margins.
        Dim section1 As New Section(dc)
        section1.PageSetup.PaperType = PaperType.B5
        section1.PageSetup.Orientation = Orientation.Landscape
        section1.PageSetup.PageMargins = New PageMargins() With {
                .Top = LengthUnitConverter.Convert(50, LengthUnit.Millimeter, LengthUnit.Point),
                .Right = LengthUnitConverter.Convert(1, LengthUnit.Inch, LengthUnit.Point),
                .Bottom = LengthUnitConverter.Convert(10, LengthUnit.Millimeter, LengthUnit.Point),
                .Left = LengthUnitConverter.Convert(2, LengthUnit.Centimeter, LengthUnit.Point)


        ' Add some text to section1.
        section1.Content.Start.Insert("Shrek, a green ogre who loves the solitude in his swamp, " & "finds his life interrupted when many fairytale characters are " & "exiled there by order of the fairytale-hating Lord Farquaad.", New CharacterFormat() With {
                .FontName = "Times New Roman",
                .Size = 14.0

        ' Add page break.
        section1.Content.End.Insert((New SpecialCharacter(dc, SpecialCharacterType.PageBreak)).Content)

        ' Add another section, A4 Portrait, and custom page margins.
        Dim section2 As New Section(dc)
        section2.PageSetup.PaperType = PaperType.A4
        section2.PageSetup.Orientation = Orientation.Portrait
        section2.PageSetup.PageMargins = New PageMargins() With {
                .Top = LengthUnitConverter.Convert(5, LengthUnit.Millimeter, LengthUnit.Point),
                .Right = LengthUnitConverter.Convert(5, LengthUnit.Millimeter, LengthUnit.Point),
                .Bottom = LengthUnitConverter.Convert(5, LengthUnit.Millimeter, LengthUnit.Point),
                .Left = LengthUnitConverter.Convert(5, LengthUnit.Millimeter, LengthUnit.Point)


        ' Add some text into section2.
        Dim p As New Paragraph(dc)
        p.Content.Start.Insert("Shrek tells them that he will go ask Farquaad to send them back. " & "He brings along a talking Donkey who is the only fairytale creature who knows the way to Duloc.", New CharacterFormat() With {
                .FontName = "Times New Roman",
                .Size = 14.0
        p.ParagraphFormat.Alignment = HorizontalAlignment.Justify

        ' Save our document into DOCX format.

        ' Open the result for demonstration purposes.
        System.Diagnostics.Process.Start(New System.Diagnostics.ProcessStartInfo(documentPath) With {.UseShellExecute = True})
    End Sub
End Module
See Also