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BuiltInDocumentProperty Enumeration

Represents an available built-in document properties.

Namespace: SautinSoft.Document
Assembly: SautinSoft.Document (in SautinSoft.Document.dll) Version: 2025.2.13
public enum BuiltInDocumentProperty
Member nameValueDescription
Title0 Title of the document.
Author1 Name of the document's author.
Subject2 Subject of the document.
Comments3 Document comments.
DateContentCreated4 UTC time of creation of the document.
DateLastSaved5 UTC time on which the document was last modified/saved.
Category6 Category of the document.
Status7 Status of the document.
Keywords8 Document keywords.
LastSavedBy9 Name of the last author.
Manager10 Manager.
Company11 Company.
HyperlinkBase12 Base hyperlink.
Pages13 Total number of pages.
Words14 Total number of words.
Characters15 Total number of characters except spaces.
CharactersWithSpaces16 Total number of characters with spaces.
Lines17 Total number of lines.
Paragraphs18 Total number of paragraphs.
Creator19 Only for PDF. If the document was converted to PDF from another format, the name of the application (for example, Adobe FrameMaker®) that created the original document from which it was converted.
Producer20 Only for PDF. If the document was converted to PDF from another format, the name of the application (for example, Acrobat Distiller) that converted it to PDF.

See Developer Guide: Create a new document (DOCX) with some built-in properties

Create a new document (DOCX) with some built-in properties using C#
using System;
using SautinSoft.Document;
using SautinSoft.Document.Drawing;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;

namespace Example
    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            // Get your free trial key here:   


        /// <summary>
        /// Create a new document (DOCX) with some built-in properties.
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>
        /// Details:
        /// </remarks>
        public static void CreateDocumentProperties()
            string filePath = @"..\..\..\DocumentProperties.docx";

            DocumentCore dc = new DocumentCore();

            // Let's create a simple inscription.
            dc.Content.End.Insert("Hello World!!!", new CharacterFormat() { FontName = "Verdana", Size = 65.5f, FontColor = Color.Orange });

            // Let's add some documents properties: Author, Subject, Company.
            dc.Document.Properties.BuiltIn[BuiltInDocumentProperty.Title] = "How to add document properties. It works with DOCX, RTF, PDF, HTML etc";
            dc.Document.Properties.BuiltIn[BuiltInDocumentProperty.Company] = "SautinSoft";
            dc.Document.Properties.BuiltIn[BuiltInDocumentProperty.Author] = "John Smith";
            dc.Document.Properties.BuiltIn[BuiltInDocumentProperty.Subject] = "Document .Net";
            dc.Document.Properties.BuiltIn[BuiltInDocumentProperty.Keywords] = "reader, writer, docx, pdf, html, rtf, text";
            dc.Document.Properties.BuiltIn[BuiltInDocumentProperty.HyperlinkBase] = "";
            dc.Document.Properties.BuiltIn[BuiltInDocumentProperty.Manager] = "Alex Dickard";
            dc.Document.Properties.BuiltIn[BuiltInDocumentProperty.Category] = "Document Object Model (DOM)";
            dc.Document.Properties.BuiltIn[BuiltInDocumentProperty.DateContentCreated] =
                new DateTime(2010, 1, 10).ToString();
            dc.Document.Properties.BuiltIn[BuiltInDocumentProperty.DateLastSaved] =


            // Save our document to DOCX format.

            // Open the result for demonstration purposes.
            System.Diagnostics.Process.Start(new System.Diagnostics.ProcessStartInfo(filePath) { UseShellExecute = true });

        /// <summary>
        /// Read built-in document properties (from .docx) and enumerate them in new PDF document as small report.
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>
        /// Details:
        /// </remarks>
        public static void ReadDocumentProperties()
            string inpFile = @"..\..\..\DocumentProperties.docx";
            string statFile = @"..\..\..\Statistics.pdf";

            DocumentCore dc = DocumentCore.Load(inpFile);

            // Let's add some additional information. It can be anything you like.
            dc.Document.Properties.Custom.Add("Producer", "My Producer");

            // Add a paragraph in which all standard information about the document will be stored.
            Paragraph builtInPara = new Paragraph(dc,
            new Run(dc, "Built-in document properties:"),
            new SpecialCharacter(dc, SpecialCharacterType.LineBreak));
            builtInPara.ParagraphFormat.Alignment = HorizontalAlignment.Left;

            foreach (var docProp in dc.Document.Properties.BuiltIn)
                    new Run(dc, string.Format("{0}: {1}", docProp.Key, docProp.Value)));

                builtInPara.Inlines.Add(new SpecialCharacter(dc, SpecialCharacterType.LineBreak));

            // Add a paragraph in which all additional information about the document will be stored.
            Paragraph customPropPara = new Paragraph(dc,
               new Run(dc, "Custom document properties:"),
               new SpecialCharacter(dc, SpecialCharacterType.LineBreak));
            customPropPara.ParagraphFormat.Alignment = HorizontalAlignment.Left;

            foreach (var docProp in dc.Document.Properties.Custom)
                    new Run(dc, string.Format("{0}: {1} (Type: {2})", docProp.Key, docProp.Value, docProp.Value.GetType())));

                customPropPara.Inlines.Add(new SpecialCharacter(dc, SpecialCharacterType.LineBreak));

            // Add all document properties in the document and save it as PDF file.
            dc.Sections.Add(new Section(dc, builtInPara, customPropPara));

            dc.Save(statFile, new PdfSaveOptions());

            // Open the result for demonstration purposes.
            System.Diagnostics.Process.Start(new System.Diagnostics.ProcessStartInfo(statFile) { UseShellExecute = true });
Create a new document (DOCX) with some built-in properties using VB.Net
Option Infer On

Imports System
Imports System.IO
Imports SautinSoft.Document
Imports System.Linq

Module Sample
    Sub Main()
    End Sub
    ''' Get your free trial key here:   
    ''' <summary>
    ''' Create a new document (DOCX) with some built-in properties.
    ''' </summary>
    ''' <remarks>
    ''' Details:
    ''' </remarks>
    Sub CreateDocumentProperties()
        Dim filePath As String = "..\..\..\DocumentProperties.docx"

        Dim dc As New DocumentCore()

        ' Let's create a simple inscription.
        dc.Content.End.Insert("Hello World!!!", New CharacterFormat() With {
            .FontName = "Verdana",
            .Size = 65.5F,
            .FontColor = Color.Orange

        ' Let's add some documents properties: Author, Subject, Company.
        dc.Document.Properties.BuiltIn(BuiltInDocumentProperty.Title) = "How to add document properties. It works with DOCX, RTF, PDF, HTML etc"
        dc.Document.Properties.BuiltIn(BuiltInDocumentProperty.Company) = "SautinSoft"
        dc.Document.Properties.BuiltIn(BuiltInDocumentProperty.Author) = "John Smith"
        dc.Document.Properties.BuiltIn(BuiltInDocumentProperty.Subject) = "Document .Net"
        dc.Document.Properties.BuiltIn(BuiltInDocumentProperty.Keywords) = "reader, writer, docx, pdf, html, rtf, text"
        dc.Document.Properties.BuiltIn(BuiltInDocumentProperty.HyperlinkBase) = ""
        dc.Document.Properties.BuiltIn(BuiltInDocumentProperty.Manager) = "Alex Dickard"
        dc.Document.Properties.BuiltIn(BuiltInDocumentProperty.Category) = "Document Object Model (DOM)"
        dc.Document.Properties.BuiltIn(BuiltInDocumentProperty.DateContentCreated) = (New Date(2010, 1, 10)).ToString()
        dc.Document.Properties.BuiltIn(BuiltInDocumentProperty.DateLastSaved) = Date.Now.ToString()


        ' Save our document to DOCX format.

        ' Open the result for demonstration purposes.
        System.Diagnostics.Process.Start(New System.Diagnostics.ProcessStartInfo(filePath) With {.UseShellExecute = True})
    End Sub

    ''' <summary>
    ''' Read built-in document properties (from .docx) and enumerate them in new PDF document as small report.
    ''' </summary>
    ''' <remarks>
    ''' Details:
    ''' </remarks>
    Sub ReadDocumentProperties()
        Dim inpFile As String = "..\..\..\DocumentProperties.docx"
        Dim statFile As String = "..\..\..\Statistics.pdf"

        Dim dc As DocumentCore = DocumentCore.Load(inpFile)

        ' Let's add some additional inforamtion. It can be anything you like.
        dc.Document.Properties.Custom.Add("Producer", "My Producer")

        ' Add a paragraph in which all standard information about the document will be stored.
        Dim builtInPara As New Paragraph(dc, New Run(dc, "Built-in document properties:"), New SpecialCharacter(dc, SpecialCharacterType.LineBreak))
        builtInPara.ParagraphFormat.Alignment = HorizontalAlignment.Left

        For Each docProp In dc.Document.Properties.BuiltIn
            builtInPara.Inlines.Add(New Run(dc, String.Format("{0}: {1}", docProp.Key, docProp.Value)))

            builtInPara.Inlines.Add(New SpecialCharacter(dc, SpecialCharacterType.LineBreak))
        Next docProp

        ' Add a paragraph in which all additional information about the document will be stored.
        Dim customPropPara As New Paragraph(dc, New Run(dc, "Custom document properties:"), New SpecialCharacter(dc, SpecialCharacterType.LineBreak))
        customPropPara.ParagraphFormat.Alignment = HorizontalAlignment.Left

        For Each docProp In dc.Document.Properties.Custom
            customPropPara.Inlines.Add(New Run(dc, String.Format("{0}: {1} (Type: {2})", docProp.Key, docProp.Value, docProp.Value.GetType())))

            customPropPara.Inlines.Add(New SpecialCharacter(dc, SpecialCharacterType.LineBreak))
        Next docProp

        ' Add all document properties in the document and save it as PDF file.
        dc.Sections.Add(New Section(dc, builtInPara, customPropPara))

        dc.Save(statFile, New PdfSaveOptions())

        ' Open the result for demonstration purposes.
        System.Diagnostics.Process.Start(New System.Diagnostics.ProcessStartInfo(statFile) With {.UseShellExecute = True})
    End Sub
End Module
See Also