| Class | Description |
| AbsolutePositionTabCharacter |
Represents the absolute position tab character.
| Block |
Represents a base class for all block elements.
| BlockCollection |
Represents a collection of a Block derived elements.
| Bookmark |
Represents a single bookmark.
| BookmarkCollection |
Represents a collection of Bookmarks.
| BookmarkEnd |
Represents the end of a bookmark.
| BookmarkStart |
Represents the start of a bookmark.
| BuiltInDocumentPropertiesDictionary |
Represents a dictionary that contains BuiltInDocumentProperty
key and String value pairs.
| CharacterFormat |
Represents a set of formatting properties which shall be applied to a document text.
| CharacterStyle |
Represents a character style.
| Comment |
Represents a comment that is anchored to a region of document content.
| CommentCollection |
Represents a collection of Comment elements.
| CommentEnd |
Represents the end of a comment.
| CommentStart |
Represents the start of a comment.
| ContentPosition |
Represents a position within a document.
| ContentRange |
Represents an area in document bounded by two ContentPositions.
| CustomDocumentPropertiesDictionary |
Represents a dictionary that contains String key and
Object value pairs.
| CustomXmlPart |
Represents a custom XML part within a document that contains arbitrary custom XML markup.
| CustomXmlPartCollection |
Represents a collection of CustomXmlParts.
| DictionaryBaseTKey, TValue |
Provides a base class for generic dictionary.
| DocLoadOptions |
Represents a class that stores loading options for Microsoft Word 97-2003 (DOC) format.
| DocumentBuilder |
Provides methods to insert text, images and other content, specify character, paragraph and section formatting.
| DocumentCore |
The main class of "Document .Net" library. Represents a document itself.
| DocumentEditProtection |
Represents a set of document editing protection restrictions which have been applied to
the contents of a document.
| DocumentPage |
Represents a document page.
| DocumentPaginator |
Provides a functionality to paginate the document content.
| DocumentProperties |
Contains a dictionaries of built-in and custom document properties.
| DocumentSettings |
Represents stored preferences which shall be used when processing the contents of the document.
| DocumentVariablesDictionary |
Represents a dictionary that contains String key and
String value pairs.
| DocumentWriteProtection |
Represents the write protection options for the document. Supported only in DOCX format.
| DocxLoadOptions |
Represents a class that stores loading options for Microsoft Word (DOCX) format.
| DocxSaveOptions |
Represents a class that stores saving options for Microsoft Word (DOCX) format.
| Element |
Represents a base class for all document elements.
| ElementCollection |
Represents a base non-generic class for Element collections.
| ElementCollectionT |
Represents a base generic class for Element collections.
| ElementFrame |
Represents the frame of an element that is layouted on the page.
| Field |
Field can represent a placeholder (like a Date, Time, PageNum etc), form element (FormCheckBox, FormDropDown, FormText), MergeField (to do a MailMerge process) etc.
| FontFile |
Represents a font file either on the disk or in the memory.
| FontFileSelectionEventArgs |
Provides data for the FontSelection event.
| FontSettings |
Contains font related settings which are used when printing, importing or exporting a document
to a file format that requires font information.
| Format |
Represents a base class for all formatting.
| FormCheckBoxData |
Represents a form related data associated with the parent
FormCheckBox field within the document.
| FormDropDownData |
Represents a form related data associated with the parent
FormDropDown field within the document.
| FormFieldData |
Represents a form related data associated with the parent form field within the document.
| FormFieldDataCollection |
Represents a collection of FormFieldData instances associated
with form fields from a particular part of document content.
| FormTextData |
Represents a form related data associated with the parent
FormText field within the document.
| HeaderFooter |
Represents a header or footer; allows to operate with headers and footers.
| HeaderFooterCollection |
Represents a collection of HeaderFooter elements.
| HtmlDocumentPartSavingArgs |
Provides data for the PartSaving(HtmlDocumentPartSavingArgs) event.
| HtmlFixedSaveOptions |
Represents options for saving to fixed HyperText Markup Language (HTML) format.
| HtmlFlowingSaveOptions |
Represents options for saving to flowing HyperText Markup Language (HTML) format.
| HtmlImageSavingArgs |
Provides data for the ImageSaving(HtmlImageSavingArgs) event.
| HtmlLoadOptions |
Represents a class that stores loading options for HyperText Markup Language (HTML) format.
| HtmlSaveOptions |
Represents a base class for saving options to HyperText Markup Language (HTML) format.
| Hyperlink |
Represents a hyperlink.
| ImageLoadOptions |
Represents a class that stores options for loading images.
| ImageSaveOptions |
Represents options for saving to Image (PNG, JPE, GBitmap, TIFF etc.) format.
| ImportSession |
Represents an import session that maps styles (and other referenced objects) between two different
DocumentCore instances.
| Inline |
Represents a base class for all inline elements.
| InlineCollection |
Represents a collection of Inline derived elements.
| LengthUnitConverter |
Utility class used for converting values between various
LengthUnit measurement units.
| ListFormat |
Represents list format which shall be applied to the contents of the parent paragraph.
| ListItem |
Represents content which prefixes numbered paragraph Paragraph
for which ListFormat is not null.
| ListLevelFormat |
Represents formatting definition which specifies the appearance and behavior of a list level.
| ListLevelFormatCollection |
Represents a read-only collection of list level formatting.
| ListStyle |
Represents a list style.
| LoadOptions |
Represents a base class for loading options of various file formats.
| MultipleBorders |
Represents a set of borders.
| Note |
Represents a footnote or an endnote in the document.
| NoteSettings |
Represents the footnote or endnote options of a
DocumentCore or
| OCREventArgs |
Provides data for the OCROptions event.
| OCROptions |
Represents a class that stores loading options for Portable Document Format (PDF).
| PageMargins |
Represents page margins.
| PageSetup |
Represents the page setup properties: paper type, orientation, margins and so forth.
| PaginatorOptions |
Represents options which used while paginating the document.
| Paragraph |
Represents a paragraph of content in the document.
| ParagraphFormat |
Represents a set of paragraph formatting properties which shall be applied to
the contents of the parent paragraph.
| ParagraphStyle |
Represents a paragraph style.
| PdfDigitalSignatureDetails |
Represents a class that stores details for signing a document with a digital signature.
| PdfEncryptionDetails |
Contains details for encrypting and access permissions for a PDF document.
| PdfLoadOptions |
Represents a class that stores loading options for Portable Document Format (PDF).
| PdfSaveOptions |
Represents a class that stores saving options for Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF) format.
| PreservedInline |
Represents an Inline element that is loaded from
a file and is not directly supported by SautinSoft.Document API.
| Revision |
Represents a revision (tracked change).
| RevisionCollection |
Represents a collection of Revisions.
| RevisionGroup |
Represents a group of sequential Revisions.
| RevisionGroupCollection |
Represents a collection of RevisionGroups.
| RtfLoadOptions |
Represents a class that stores loading options for Rich Text (RTF) format.
| RtfSaveOptions |
Represents options for saving to Rich Text (RTF) format.
| Run |
Represents a run of characters with the same character formatting.
| SaveOptions |
Represents a base class for saving options of various file formats.
| Section |
Represents a single section in a document.
| SectionCollection |
Represents a collection of Section elements.
| SpecialCharacter |
Represents a character, such as break or tab, which shall be placed at the
current location in the document content.
| Style |
Represents a base class for all styles.
| StyleCollection |
Represents a collection of styles.
| TableOfEntries |
Represents a Table of Entries field, such as Table of Contents, Table of Figures,
Table of Authorities, Index or Bibliography.
| TabStopCollection |
Represents a collection of TabStops.
| TextColumn |
Represents a text column.
| TextColumnCollection |
Represents a collection of text columns in a section.
| TextFrameFormat |
Represents frame related formatting for a paragraph.
| TxtLoadOptions |
Represents a class that stores loading options for plain text (TXT) format.
| TxtSaveOptions |
Represents options for saving to plain text (TXT) format.
| XmlSaveOptions |
Represents options for saving to XML format.
| XpsSaveOptions |
Represents options for saving to Microsoft XML Paper Specification (XPS) format. For work use Net Core 3.1