Use «SautinSoft.Excel» library under Windows

You can easily use «SautinSoft.Excel» in any .NET application, because of the component is completely written in C# managed code.

  1. Add dependencies through NuGet (optional).
  2. Add the reference to SautinSoft.Excel.dll.

1. Add dependencies through NuGet (optional):

  1. Open Microsoft Visual Studio and create a new project or open an existing
  2. Solution Explorer Window –> right click by "References" –> Manage NuGet Packages... –> In the tab "Browse" type "sautinsoft" and find the "sautinsoft.excel"
  3. Install using nuget

  4. Select the desired version API and click "Install"

The selected API will be downloaded and referenced in your project. All dependencies are already installed automatically.

Using Manage NuGet Packages you can also update SautinSoft.Excel to the desired version.

2. Add the reference to SautinSoft.Excel.dll:

  1. First of all, download the SautinSoft.Excel package. Unzip it at any place in your computer and find the assembly file "SautinSoft.Excel.dll"
  2. Open Microsoft Visual Studio and create a new project or open an existing project
  3. Solution Explorer Window –> right click by "Dependencies" –> Add Project References –> In the tab "Browse" find the "SautinSoft.Excel.dll"
  4. Install adding reference

    SautinSoft.Excel.dll assemblies compiled for old .NET Framework 4.6.2 - 4.8 are located inside ( –> SautinSoft.Excel (X.X.X.X)\Bin\.NET Framework X.X) folder.
    SautinSoft.Excel.dll assemblies compiled for .NET 6 and up are located inside ( –> SautinSoft.Excel (X.X.X.X)\Bin\.NET X.X) folder.

  5. Once you have referenced SautinSoft.Excel.dll, add these dependencies to your project:
    <PackageReference Include="sautinsoft.sautinsoft.excel" Version="*" />

Above we mentioned about the minimal versions of the dependencies, actually you can use newer versions.

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