UseOfficeKillProcesses Method |
Terminates process by its name
Namespace: SautinSoftAssembly: UseOffice (in UseOffice.dll) Version: 2024.12.12
Syntaxpublic void KillProcesses(
string _procName
Public Sub KillProcesses (
_procName As String
- _procName String
- Process name as string
RemarksBeware: this function kill all processes with specified name.
If the MS Word, Excel or PowerPoint processes are still in memory you can use this method to terminate them.
ExampleASP.Net - How to convert Word Excel PowerPoint files to PDF files in C#
using System;
using System.Data;
using System.Configuration;
using System.Web;
using System.Web.Security;
using System.Web.UI;
using System.Web.UI.WebControls;
using System.Web.UI.WebControls.WebParts;
using System.Web.UI.HtmlControls;
using System.IO;
using System.Drawing;
public partial class _Default : System.Web.UI.Page
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (!IsPostBack)
convDir.DataSource = Enum.GetNames(typeof(SautinSoft.UseOffice.eDirection));
resultMessage.Text = "";
fileMessage.Text = "";
protected void convDir_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (uploadedDocument.PostedFile.FileName.Length == 0)
resultMessage.Text = "Please select an input document at first!";
protected void convert_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (uploadedDocument.PostedFile.FileName.Length == 0)
resultMessage.Text = "Please select an input document at first!";
string workDirectory = @"/converted/";
string workPath = Server.MapPath(".") + workDirectory;
string[] allFiles = Directory.GetFiles(workPath, "*.*");
foreach (string file in allFiles)
string fileName = String.Format("{0: h-m-s-f}", DateTime.Now);
string tempFilePath = Path.Combine(workPath, fileName + Path.GetExtension(uploadedDocument.PostedFile.FileName));
File.WriteAllBytes(tempFilePath, uploadedDocument.FileBytes);
resultMessage.Text = "Converting ...";
string ext = ".rtf";
int pos = convDir.Text.LastIndexOf('_');
ext = (convDir.Text.Substring(pos, convDir.Text.Length - pos)).ToLower();
if (ext.CompareTo("text") == 0)
ext = "txt";
ext = "." + ext;
string resultPath = Path.Combine(workPath, Path.ChangeExtension(uploadedDocument.FileName, ext));
SautinSoft.UseOffice u = new SautinSoft.UseOffice();
if (convDir.Text == "DOC_to_RTF" || convDir.Text == "DOCX_to_RTF" || convDir.Text == "DOC_to_HTML" || convDir.Text == "DOCX_to_HTML" || convDir.Text == "DOC_to_Text" || convDir.Text == "HTML_to_DOC" || convDir.Text == "HTML_to_RTF" || convDir.Text == "HTML_to_Text" || convDir.Text == "RTF_to_Text" || convDir.Text == "RTF_to_HTML" || convDir.Text == "RTF_to_DOC" || convDir.Text == "DOC_to_PDF" || convDir.Text == "DOCX_to_PDF" || convDir.Text == "RTF_to_PDF")
if (convDir.Text == "XLS_to_HTML" || convDir.Text == "XLS_to_XML" || convDir.Text == "XLS_to_CSV" || convDir.Text == "XLS_to_Text")
if (convDir.Text == "XLS_to_RTF" || convDir.Text == "XLS_to_PDF" || convDir.Text == "XLSX_to_RTF" || convDir.Text == "XLSX_to_PDF")
if (convDir.Text == "PPT_to_PDF" || convDir.Text == "PPT_to_HTML" || convDir.Text == "PPT_to_RTF" || convDir.Text == "PPTX_to_PDF")
SautinSoft.UseOffice.eDirection convDirection = (SautinSoft.UseOffice.eDirection)Enum.Parse(typeof(SautinSoft.UseOffice.eDirection), convDir.SelectedValue);
if (File.Exists(resultPath))
int result = u.ConvertFile(tempFilePath, resultPath, convDirection);
switch (result)
case 0: resultMessage.Text = "Converting successfully!";
string href = Request.UrlReferrer.AbsoluteUri;
href = href.Remove(href.LastIndexOf("/"));
href+= workDirectory + Path.GetFileName(resultPath);
fileMessage.NavigateUrl = href;
fileMessage.Target = "_blank";
fileMessage.Text = Path.GetFileName(resultPath);
case 1: resultMessage.Text = "Can't open input file."; break;
case 2: resultMessage.Text = "Can't create output file."; break;
case 3: resultMessage.Text = "Converting error!"; break;
default: break;
ASP.Net - How to convert Word Excel PowerPoint files to PDF files in VB.Net
Imports System
Imports System.Data
Imports System.Configuration
Imports System.Web
Imports System.Web.Security
Imports System.Web.UI
Imports System.Web.UI.WebControls
Imports System.Web.UI.WebControls.WebParts
Imports System.Web.UI.HtmlControls
Imports System.IO
Imports System.Drawing
Partial Public Class _Default
Inherits System.Web.UI.Page
Protected Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs)
If Not IsPostBack Then
convDir.DataSource = System.Enum.GetNames(GetType(SautinSoft.UseOffice.eDirection))
End If
resultMessage.Text = ""
fileMessage.Text = ""
End Sub
Protected Sub convDir_SelectedIndexChanged(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs)
If uploadedDocument.PostedFile.FileName.Length = 0 Then
resultMessage.Text = "Please select an input document at first!"
End If
End Sub
Protected Sub convert_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs)
If uploadedDocument.PostedFile.FileName.Length = 0 Then
resultMessage.Text = "Please select an input document at first!"
End If
Dim workDirectory As String = "/converted/"
Dim workPath As String = Server.MapPath(".") & workDirectory
Dim allFiles() As String = Directory.GetFiles(workPath, "*.*")
For Each file As String In allFiles
Next file
Dim fileName As String = String.Format("{0: h-m-s-f}", DateTime.Now)
Dim tempFilePath As String = Path.Combine(workPath, fileName & Path.GetExtension(uploadedDocument.PostedFile.FileName))
File.WriteAllBytes(tempFilePath, uploadedDocument.FileBytes)
resultMessage.Text = "Converting ..."
Dim ext As String = ".rtf"
Dim pos As Integer = convDir.Text.LastIndexOf("_"c)
pos += 1
ext = (convDir.Text.Substring(pos, convDir.Text.Length - pos)).ToLower()
If ext.CompareTo("text") = 0 Then
ext = "txt"
End If
ext = "." & ext
Dim resultPath As String = Path.Combine(workPath, Path.ChangeExtension(uploadedDocument.FileName, ext))
Dim u As New SautinSoft.UseOffice()
If convDir.Text = "DOC_to_RTF" OrElse convDir.Text = "DOCX_to_RTF" OrElse convDir.Text = "DOC_to_HTML" OrElse convDir.Text = "DOCX_to_HTML" OrElse convDir.Text = "DOC_to_Text" OrElse convDir.Text = "HTML_to_DOC" OrElse convDir.Text = "HTML_to_RTF" OrElse convDir.Text = "HTML_to_Text" OrElse convDir.Text = "RTF_to_Text" OrElse convDir.Text = "RTF_to_HTML" OrElse convDir.Text = "RTF_to_DOC" OrElse convDir.Text = "DOC_to_PDF" OrElse convDir.Text = "DOCX_to_PDF" OrElse convDir.Text = "RTF_to_PDF" Then
End If
If convDir.Text = "XLS_to_HTML" OrElse convDir.Text = "XLS_to_XML" OrElse convDir.Text = "XLS_to_CSV" OrElse convDir.Text = "XLS_to_Text" Then
End If
If convDir.Text = "XLS_to_RTF" OrElse convDir.Text = "XLS_to_PDF" OrElse convDir.Text = "XLSX_to_RTF" OrElse convDir.Text = "XLSX_to_PDF" Then
End If
If convDir.Text = "PPT_to_PDF" OrElse convDir.Text = "PPT_to_HTML" OrElse convDir.Text = "PPT_to_RTF" OrElse convDir.Text = "PPTX_to_PDF" Then
End If
Dim convDirection As SautinSoft.UseOffice.eDirection = CType(System.Enum.Parse(GetType(SautinSoft.UseOffice.eDirection), convDir.SelectedValue), SautinSoft.UseOffice.eDirection)
If File.Exists(resultPath) Then
End If
Dim result As Integer = u.ConvertFile(tempFilePath, resultPath, convDirection)
Select Case result
Case 0
resultMessage.Text = "Converting successfully!"
Dim href As String = Request.UrlReferrer.AbsoluteUri
href = href.Remove(href.LastIndexOf("/"))
href &= workDirectory & Path.GetFileName(resultPath)
fileMessage.NavigateUrl = href
fileMessage.Target = "_blank"
fileMessage.Text = Path.GetFileName(resultPath)
Case 1
resultMessage.Text = "Can't open input file."
Case 2
resultMessage.Text = "Can't create output file."
Case 3
resultMessage.Text = "Converting error!"
Case Else
End Select
End Sub
End Class
See Also