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PdfDocumentSecurityStore Class

Represents a container that may contain:

  • a collection of all certificates used for the signatures, including timestamp signatures, that occur in the document. It shall also hold all the auxiliary certificates required to validate the certificates participating in certificate chain validations.
  • a collection of all Certificate Revocation Lists (CRLs) (see RFC 5280) used for some of the signatures, and
  • a collection of all Certificate Status Protocol (OCSP) responses (see RFC 6960) used for some of the signatures.
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace: SautinSoft.Pdf.Security
Assembly: SautinSoft.Pdf (in SautinSoft.Pdf.dll) Version: 2024.8.8
public sealed class PdfDocumentSecurityStore : PdfObject

The PdfDocumentSecurityStore type exposes the following members.

Public propertyCertificateRevocationLists Gets the X.509 Certificate Revocation Lists (CRLs) that may be used in the validation of the signatures in the document.
Public propertyCertificates Gets the X.509 certificates that maybe used in the validation of any signatures in the document.
Public propertyMetadata(Optional; PDF 1.4) A metadata stream containing metadata for the component.
(Inherited from PdfObject)
Public propertyOnlineCertificateStatusProtocolResponses Gets the X.509 Online Certificate Status Protocol (OCSP) responses that may be used in the validation of the signatures in the document.
Public methodAddValidationInfo(PdfSignature)

Adds certificates, certificate revocation lists and Online Certificate Status Protocol responses for the specified PdfSignature to this PdfDocumentSecurityStore.

The full set of certificates, including the trust anchor when it is available in the form of a certificate, used to validate the signature and which are not already present in the signature are added to the security store. This set includes certificates required for validating the signing certificate, for validating any attribute certificate present in the signature, and for validating any time-stamp token's signing certificate (i.e. a TSA certificate) already incorporated to the signature.

The full set of revocation data (CRL or OCSP responses) used in the validation of the signer and CA certificates used in signature are added to the security store. This set includes all certificate status information required for validating the signing certificate, for validating any attribute certificate present in the signature, and for validating any time-stamp token's signing certificate (i.e. a TSA certificate) already incorporated to the signature.

Public methodAddValidationInfo(PdfSignatureValidationInfo) Adds certificates, certificate revocation lists and Online Certificate Status Protocol responses from the specified PdfSignatureValidationInfo to this PdfDocumentSecurityStore.
Public methodClear Removes all certificates, certificate revocation lists and Online Certificate Status Protocol responses from this PdfDocumentSecurityStore.
Public methodEqualsDetermines whether the specified object is equal to the current object.
(Inherited from Object)
Public methodGetHashCodeServes as the default hash function.
(Inherited from Object)
Public methodGetTypeGets the Type of the current instance.
(Inherited from Object)
Public methodToString Returns a String that represents this PdfDocumentSecurityStore instance.
(Overrides ObjectToString)
Extension Methods
Public Extension MethodGetArray Gets the PdfArray that serves as a backing storage of the specified PdfObject or if no PdfArray serves as a backing storage of the specified PdfObject.
(Defined by PdfObjectExtensions)
Public Extension MethodGetDictionary Gets the PdfDictionary that serves as a backing storage of the specified PdfObject.
(Defined by PdfObjectExtensions)
Public Extension MethodGetOrAddDictionary Gets the PdfDictionary that serves as a backing storage of the specified PdfObject.
(Defined by PdfObjectExtensions)
See Also