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PdfLoadOptions Properties

The PdfLoadOptions type exposes the following members.

Public propertyAuthorizationOnDocumentOpen

Gets or sets a value indicating whether authorization should be handled right away when PDF document is opened or when the first string or stream is read.

Default value: .

Public propertyStatic memberDefault Gets the default options used for loading any PdfDocument from a PDF file.
Public propertyPassword

Gets or sets the password used to load a PDF document from a password-encrypted PDF file.

If PDF file is not encrypted, then this property is ignored.

If PDF file is encrypted and Password is invalid, then InvalidPdfPasswordException is thrown when loading a PDF document.

Public propertyReadOnly

Gets or sets a value indicating whether to load a PdfDocument from a read-only PDF file so that changes made to the PdfDocument cannot be saved back to the same PDF file.

Default value: .

Public propertyRebuildXrefIfCorrupted

Gets or sets a value indicating whether the Xref table should be rebuilt if it is corrupted or missing.

Default value: .

See Also