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PdfDictionary Properties

The PdfDictionary type exposes the following members.

Public propertyCount Gets the number of entries contained in the PdfDictionary.
(Overrides PdfBasicCollectionCount)
Public propertyIndirect Gets the PdfIndirectObject if this PdfBasicContainer is Value or otherwise.
(Inherited from PdfBasicContainer)
Public propertyIsReadOnly Gets a value indicating whether the PdfBasicContainer and all of its descendants are read-only.
(Inherited from PdfBasicContainer)
Public propertyItem Gets or sets the PdfBasicObject value associated with the specified PdfName key.
Public propertyKeys Gets a collection containing the keys in the PdfDictionary.
Public propertyObjectType Gets the Dictionary value.
(Overrides PdfBasicObjectObjectType)
Public propertyStream Gets the PdfStream if this PdfDictionary is Dictionary or otherwise.
Public propertyValues Gets a collection containing the values in the PdfDictionary.
See Also