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PdfFileSpecificationAssociatedRelationshipType Property

(Optional; PDF 2.0) A name value that represents the relationship between the component of this PDF document that refers to this PdfFileSpecification and the associated file denoted by this PdfFileSpecification.

Default value: Unspecified.

Namespace: SautinSoft.Pdf
Assembly: SautinSoft.Pdf (in SautinSoft.Pdf.dll) Version: 2024.8.8
public PdfAssociatedFileRelationshipType AssociatedRelationshipType { get; set; }

Property Value

A name value that represents the relationship between the component of this PDF document that refers to this PdfFileSpecification and the associated file denoted by this PdfFileSpecification.
NotSupportedExceptionValue Custom of enumeration PdfAssociatedFileRelationshipType is not supported in the requested operation.
Note  Note
Unspecified is to be used only when no other value correctly reflects the relationship.

Second-class names (see Annex E, "PDF Name Registry") might be used to represent other types of relationships. In that case, AssociatedRelationshipType returns Custom.

Note  Note
The value of AssociatedRelationshipType does not explicitly provide any processing instructions for a PDF processor. It is provided for information and semantic purposes for those processors that are able to use such additional information.
See Also