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PdfFocusCHtmlOptions Class

Allows to specify various properties for HTML document: title, how to store images, inline CSS and so forth.
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace: SautinSoft
Assembly: SautinSoft.PdfFocus (in SautinSoft.PdfFocus.dll) Version: 2024.12.18
public class CHtmlOptions

The PdfFocusCHtmlOptions type exposes the following members.

Public methodCode examplePdfFocusCHtmlOptions The default constructor for the CHtmlOptions class.
Public propertyDetectTables Gets or sets a value to parse and recreate tables. Default value: false.
Public propertyCode exampleImageFileName Gets or sets a template name for images. Default value: "image".
Public propertyCode exampleImageFolder Gets or sets a path to a directory to store images after converting. Notice also to the property "ImageSubFolder". Default value: "".
Public propertyCode exampleImageNumStart The starting number for naming images in the HTML document. Default value: 1.
Public propertyCode exampleImageSubFolder Gets or sets a folder name which will be created by the component to store images. Default value: "images".
Public propertyCode exampleIncludeImageInHtml Allows to specify how to store images: Inside HTML document as base64 images or as linked separate image files. Default value: false.
Public propertyCode exampleInlineCSS Gets or sets a value whether to store CSS as inline for the each element using the "style" attribute or embed the whole style sheet inside HTML. Default value: true.
Public propertyKeepCharScaleAndSpacing Gets or sets a value to preserve the original char scaling and spacing or reset it to all symbols to 100%. Default value: true.
Public propertyMeasurementUnits Gets and sets the measurement units which will be used in the whole HTML document. Supported values: pt, px, pc, mm and cm. Default: pt.
Public propertyCode exampleProduceOnlyHtmlBody Gets or sets a value to produce a complete HTML document or only between between <body>...</body> tags. Default value: false.
Public propertyCode exampleRenderMode Gets or sets the rendering mode for the output HTML: Fixed or Flowing. Default value: Fixed.
Public propertyShowInvisibleText Gets or sets a value to show invisible text or not. Default value: false.
Public propertySingleFontColor Sets or gets a single font color in hex format '#XXXXXX' for a whole text in the produced HTML document. Default value: Empty.
Public propertySingleFontFamily Set a single font family for a whole text in the HTML document. Default value: Empty. We recommend use it only in the Flowing mode, in the Fixed mode it may shift/spoil to the document layout.
Public propertySingleFontSize Set a single font size in points (pt) for a whole text in the produced HTML document. Default value: null. We recommend use it only in the Flowing mode, in the Fixed mode it may shift/spoil to the document layout.
Public propertyCode exampleTitle Sets the title for the HTML document. Default value: "Untitled document".
Public propertyUseNumericCharacterReference In case of 'true': Write the all characters in "NCR" notation: &#xxx;. In case of 'false': Write the all characters as Unicode (recommended). Default value: false.
How to set a location of images during PDF to HTML in C#
using System;
using System.IO;
using SautinSoft;

namespace Sample
    class Sample
        static void Main(string[] args)
            // Before starting, we recommend to get a free 100-day key:

            // Apply the key here:
            // SautinSoft.PdfFocus.SetLicense("...");

            // Here you will find how to keep images in the resulting HTML document.
            string pdfFile = Path.GetFullPath(@"..\..\..\simple text.pdf");
            string htmlFile = "Result.html";

            // Convert PDF file to HTML file
            SautinSoft.PdfFocus f = new SautinSoft.PdfFocus();

            // Way 1 (default): Images will be stored inside HTML document as base64, jpeg images.
            f.HtmlOptions.IncludeImageInHtml = true;
            // Auto - the same image format as in the source PDF;
            // 'Jpeg' to make the document size less; 
            // 'PNG' to keep the highest quality, but the highest size too.
            f.EmbeddedImagesFormat = PdfFocus.eImageFormat.Jpeg;

            // Way 2: Images will be stored as JPG files in a special folder "{pdf name}_images".
            // Images will have names "picture100.jpg", "picture101.jpg" .. "pictureN.jpg".
            // Let's set the quality for jpeg to 95 percents.
            f.HtmlOptions.ImageFolder = Path.GetDirectoryName(htmlFile);
            // Auto - the same image format as in the source PDF;
            // 'Jpeg' to make the document size less; 
            // 'PNG' to keep the highest quality, but the highest size too.
            f.EmbeddedImagesFormat = PdfFocus.eImageFormat.Jpeg;

            f.EmbeddedJpegQuality = 95;
            f.HtmlOptions.ImageSubFolder = String.Format("{0}_images", Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(pdfFile));
            f.HtmlOptions.ImageFileName = "picture";
            f.HtmlOptions.ImageNumStart = 100;
            f.HtmlOptions.IncludeImageInHtml = false;

            // Way 3: Images will be stored as PNG files in the same directory with the HTML file.
            // All images on each page will be combined in a single image.
            f.HtmlOptions.ImageFolder = Path.GetDirectoryName(htmlFile);
            // 'Jpeg' to make the document size less; Or 'PNG' to keep the highest quality.
            f.EmbeddedImagesFormat = PdfFocus.eImageFormat.Png;
            f.HtmlOptions.ImageSubFolder = "";
            f.HtmlOptions.IncludeImageInHtml = false;

            if (f.PageCount > 0)
                int res = f.ToHtml(htmlFile);
                // Open the result for demonstration purposes.
                if (res == 0)
                    System.Diagnostics.Process.Start(new System.Diagnostics.ProcessStartInfo(htmlFile) { UseShellExecute = true });
How to set a location of images during PDF to HTML in VB.Net
Imports System
Imports System.IO
Imports SautinSoft

Namespace Sample
    Friend Class Sample
        Shared Sub Main(ByVal args() As String)
            ' Before starting, we recommend to get a free 100-day key:

            ' Apply the key here
            ' SautinSoft.PdfFocus.SetLicense("...");

            ' Here you will find how to keep images in the resulting HTML document.
            Dim pdfFile As String = Path.GetFullPath("..\..\..\simple text.pdf")
            Dim htmlFile As String = "Result.html"

            ' Convert PDF file to HTML file
            Dim f As New SautinSoft.PdfFocus()

            ' Way 1 (default): Images will be stored inside HTML document as base64, jpeg images.
            'f.HtmlOptions.IncludeImageInHtml = True
            ' Auto - the same image format as in the source PDF;
            ' 'Jpeg' to make the document size less; 
            ' 'PNG' to keep the highest quality, but the highest size too.
            'f.EmbeddedImagesFormat = PdfFocus.eImageFormat.Auto

            ' Way 2: Images will be stored as JPG files in a special folder "{pdf name}_images".
            ' Images will have names "picture100.jpg", "picture101.jpg" .. "pictureN.jpg".
            ' Let's set the quality for jpeg to 95 percents.
            f.HtmlOptions.ImageFolder = Path.GetDirectoryName(htmlFile)
            ' 'Jpeg' to make the document size less; Or 'PNG' to keep the highest quality.
            f.EmbeddedImagesFormat = PdfFocus.eImageFormat.Jpeg
            f.EmbeddedJpegQuality = 95
            f.HtmlOptions.ImageSubFolder = String.Format("{0}_images", Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(pdfFile))
            f.HtmlOptions.ImageFileName = "picture"
            f.HtmlOptions.ImageNumStart = 100
            f.HtmlOptions.IncludeImageInHtml = False

            ' Way 3: Images will be stored as PNG files in the same directory with the HTML file.
            ' All images on each page will be combined in a single image.            '            
            'f.HtmlOptions.ImageFolder = Path.GetDirectoryName(htmlFile)
            ' 'Jpeg' to make the document size less; Or 'PNG' to keep the highest quality.
            'f.EmbeddedImagesFormat = PdfFocus.eImageFormat.Png
            'f.HtmlOptions.ImageSubFolder = ""
            'f.HtmlOptions.IncludeImageInHtml = False

            If f.PageCount > 0 Then
                Dim res As Integer = f.ToHtml(htmlFile)
                ' Open the result for demonstration purposes.
                If res = 0 Then
                    System.Diagnostics.Process.Start(New System.Diagnostics.ProcessStartInfo(htmlFile) With {.UseShellExecute = True})
                End If
            End If
        End Sub
    End Class
End Namespace
See Also