Starting from 2002 we are developing .Net components to do all what you wish with documents in PDF, DOCX, RTF, HTML, Images and other formats.
Classes | Class | Description |
| HtmlToRtf |
The «HTML to RTF .Net» is .NET SDK, completely written in C#, to convert HTML documents to DOCX, RTF and Text formats.
| HtmlToRtfFont |
Allows to set font properties: face and size.
| HtmlToRtfHeaderFooter |
Class which allows to specify header and footer in HTML, RTF or Text formats.
| HtmlToRtfHtmlConvertOptions |
All options to control HTML converting and adjust the output document.
| HtmlToRtfLengthUnit |
Allows to specify values in millimeters, inches and twips (twentieth of a point, 1 point is equal as 20 twips).
| HtmlToRtfMergeOptions |
Specifies options to merge RTF documents.
| HtmlToRtfPageMargins |
Represents page margins.
| HtmlToRtfPageNumbers |
Allows to set a custom page numbering in the output RTF or DOCX document.
| HtmlToRtfPageSetup |
Represents the Page properties: Paper type, Orientation, Margins, Headers and footers, page numbering and so forth.
| HtmlToRtfTextSetup |
Specifies a custom text formatting properties during the HTML conversion.
Delegates Enumerations