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Starting from 2002 we are developing .Net components to do all what you wish with documents in PDF, DOCX, RTF, HTML, Images and other formats.
Public classHtmlToRtf The «HTML to RTF .Net» is .NET SDK, completely written in C#, to convert HTML documents to DOCX, RTF and Text formats.
Public classHtmlToRtfFont Allows to set font properties: face and size.
Public classCode exampleHtmlToRtfHeaderFooter Class which allows to specify header and footer in HTML, RTF or Text formats.
Public classHtmlToRtfHtmlConvertOptions All options to control HTML converting and adjust the output document.
Public classCode exampleHtmlToRtfLengthUnit Allows to specify values in millimeters, inches and twips (twentieth of a point, 1 point is equal as 20 twips).
Public classCode exampleHtmlToRtfMergeOptions Specifies options to merge RTF documents.
Public classCode exampleHtmlToRtfPageMargins Represents page margins.
Public classCode exampleHtmlToRtfPageNumbers Allows to set a custom page numbering in the output RTF or DOCX document.
Public classCode exampleHtmlToRtfPageSetup Represents the Page properties: Paper type, Orientation, Margins, Headers and footers, page numbering and so forth.
Public classCode exampleHtmlToRtfTextSetup Specifies a custom text formatting properties during the HTML conversion.
Public delegateHtmlToRtfBeforeImageDownloadEventHandler Delegate to call method before downloading http images.
Public enumerationHtmlToRtfAlignment Allows to specify default alignment.
Public enumerationHtmlToRtfBorderVisibility Specifies border visibility for all tables in the resulted document.
Public enumerationHtmlToRtfEncoding Specifies the encoding for an input HTML document.
Public enumerationHtmlToRtfOrientation Specifies page orientation.
Public enumerationCode exampleHtmlToRtfOutputFormat Specifies a format for the resulting document DOCX, RTF or Text.
Public enumerationCode exampleHtmlToRtfPageNumberingAppearence Specifies the page numbering: starting from the first page, from the second page or disabled.
Public enumerationHtmlToRtfPaperType Specifies the paper size.
Public enumerationCode exampleHtmlToRtfSpellingLanguage Specifies the default language for the output document. Usually the language is used to spell checking.
Public enumerationCode exampleHtmlToRtfUnits Specifies measurement units for HtmlToRtfLengthUnit class.