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ExcelToPdf Properties

The ExcelToPdf type exposes the following members.

Public propertyCode exampleColumnsToConvertLimit The number of maximum processed columns in the table.
Public propertyCode exampleCreateTraceFile Gets or sets whether to create a trace file. Default value: false.
Public propertyOptions Set up the info block properties for resulting documents, such as file version and a document producer.
Public propertyCode exampleOutputFormat Specify format for output file: PDF, Word, RTF etc. Default value: Pdf.
Public propertyPageStyle Contains page properties for output PDF document: page size, orientation, page margins and put page numbers.
Public propertyCode exampleSerial A string which contains a serial number to activate your copy after purchasing. Use it when you got own serial number and registered version.
Public propertyCode exampleSheets Set custom sheets for converting. By default all sheets from workbook will be converted.
Public propertyTraceFilePath Path to create a tracing file. Allows to track issues and exceptions which appeared during the conversion cycle. Default value: "C:\trace.txt"
Public propertyUnicodeOptions Allows to specify options to properly convert Unicode, such as "Fonts" directory etc
See Also